Value prop module with text
Two column module that can have text on both sides, or an image/video on one side and text on the other.
The content of this module should be a value proposition. Why should the user want the product or service featured on this page?
At least one link is required, but two are available. If there are no pages or resources that could be used to generate a CTA link, use #Inline_form and clicking on the link will direct the user down to the form on this page.
Column 1 can be on either the left or right side
This version - with copy on one side and an image or video on the other - is the most common version of this module. Copy should focus on what value the product brings to the audience.
If you need an image or editing to an existing image for this module, please create a JIRA ticket and include the Design label. That way, the design team will know it's web-related, but a task they need to pay attention to.
But you don’t have to, no pressure. Bacon ipsum dolor amet meatloaf tri-tip leberkas flank corned beef sausage strip steak kevin porchetta jowl. Meatloaf tenderloin pork loin bacon. Prosciutto pancetta picanha tenderloin bresaola strip steak ribeye venison.
Thank you for filling out the form text goes here
Thank you
Quisque sagittis est tincidunt semper sollicitudin. Morbi vitae arcu lobortis, interdum nibh sed, molestie erat. Praesent lacinia viverra egestas. Morbi sagittis, libero sit amet aliquam semper, odio est tristique justo, ornare pulvinar quam massa at lorem. Fusce sagittis arcu porta ullamcorper hendrerit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vel elit in nisl placerat pellentesque. Nullam at lorem mauris. Aliquam faucibus felis nec gravida hendrerit. Aliquam sit amet convallis dui.
Optional CTAThank you
Quisque sagittis est tincidunt semper sollicitudin. Morbi vitae arcu lobortis, interdum nibh sed, molestie erat. Praesent lacinia viverra egestas. Morbi sagittis, libero sit amet aliquam semper, odio est tristique justo, ornare pulvinar quam massa at lorem. Fusce sagittis arcu porta ullamcorper hendrerit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vel elit in nisl placerat pellentesque. Nullam at lorem mauris. Aliquam faucibus felis nec gravida hendrerit. Aliquam sit amet convallis dui.
Optional CTA