Template options and best practices

Page Types

SEO page: used to provide SEO value. These pages don’t generally link in the navigation menu.
Example: Mileage Reimbursment
For character counts and additional info about the modules, please reference the SEO Page Template

Other page types

Campaign Landing pages are used for specific, time-restricted campaigns.
Example: Modern Finance Leaders

Product Feature pages are pages that provide an extra level of description for some of our more complex product and can borrow from the Product page copy doc.

Note: If you feel that these templates don’t meet your needs, let us know and we can help meet your expectations.

You're most likely to use either a Product page or an Audience page.

Product page: to be used when talking about a product, extended service or extended product.
Example: Concur Expense, Audit Service
Product page translations docs can be found here (must have access to Sharepoint folders): Product page translation doc
For character counts and additional info about the modules, please reference the Product Page Template

Audience page: to be used when talking to a group of people about benefits of Concur for that audience. It's generally used for Solutions pages and campaigns.
Example: Travel Manager Solutions, Higher Education
Audience page translations docs can be found here (must have access to Sharepoint folders):
Audience page translation doc

For character counts and additional info about the modules, please reference the Audience Page Template