New Research from SAP Concur Points to U.S. Travel Management Challenges

woman at airport, business traveler, airplane, terminal

SAP Concur unveils new research insights into the current environment faced by U.S. travel managers, highlighting substantial challenges alongside potential opportunities: 

  • Career Concerns: A notable 33% of U.Stravel managers are considering new job opportunities within the next year, reflecting frustrations with current roles and responsibilities. 

  • Competing Expectations: 44% anticipate difficulties balancing the competing demands of travelers and company expectations. 

  • Safety and Operational Challenges: Safety concerns (46%) and unexpected travel disruptions (32%) are prevalent issues, impacting both traveler confidence and operational efficiency. 

  • Artificial Intelligence: While 72% of them express interest in AI-enabled booking tools, there's a cautious approach with only 34% preferring to ‘wait and see’, emphasizing the need for adequate training and integration into existing workflows. 

  • Sustainability and Cost-Cutting: Balancing sustainability goals (40%) with cost-cutting measures (25%) poses additional challenges, exacerbated by limited budgets for sustainable travel options. 

  • Direct Booking Challenges: The preference for direct booking channels among travelers (34%) complicates compliance with company policies, highlighting an ongoing struggle for travel managers. 

  • Industry Shifts: Economic changes and industry fluctuations add complexity, with 47% predicting increased difficulty in managing cost-cutting directives in the coming year. 

This report provides a comprehensive look at the pressures faced by U.S. travel managers, underscoring the need for strategic support, technological advancements, and adaptive policies to navigate an evolving travel landscape. 

For detailed findings, download the full global whitepaper.