For many organizations, the bottom line is no longer the sole measure of success. How an organization operates and its impact on society are increasingly becoming essential reporting imperatives. To comply with regulatory requirements, meet investor expectations, and satisfy customer demands, organizations must look beyond financial metrics; they must also focus on driving improvements in social and environmental areas alongside revenue growth.
Integrated reporting offers a comprehensive approach that combines ESG reporting metrics with financial performance data. This method can help organizations fulfill their global ESG reporting obligations while addressing the rising expectations of employees and investors.
Whether your organization is just starting its integrated reporting journey or seeking to enhance its existing approach, this tip sheet provides everything you need to begin or improve your reporting. It includes:
The key elements of an integrated report
Practical tips for creating an integrated report
Tools for leveraging business travel data in your integrated report
Download this free tip sheet today to discover how to elevate your reporting practices and demonstrate your commitment to sustainable success.