SAP Concur Partner Directory

More than 20 years working to inspire people and redefine their experience through HCM. Supports companies in their journey towards a more human and intelligent work model.

Omega World Travel has over fifty years of experience as a leader in the travel management industry.

Options Travel is an innovator in the travel space, utilizing great technology to create efficiencies and cost savings for your organization.

Ovation Travel Group - An American Express Global Business Travel Company has provided seamless, cost-effective travel solutions to professional organizations in a wide range of industries includin

Founded in 2008, p78 - HCM practice by cbs (Corporate Business Solutions) - is an innovative HR/IT service and consulting company dedicated to Human Resources and Business Travel Management.

Avec 400 experts, PASàPAS assure une couverture complète des enjeux SI à travers 5 métiers : Infogérance, Conseil/Intégration, Maintenance/Support, Analytics/Data, Business Intelligence et CX.