Our Continuing Customer Commitment
Jim Lucier was formerly President of SAP Concur
Dear SAP Concur Customers,
At this time of global upheaval and disruption in our lives, businesses and communities, I want to share with you how we are approaching this unprecedented situation. SAP and SAP Concur, like you, are most concerned about the safety and well-being of our employees, customers and partners and their loved ones. At the same time, we maintain our steadfast commitment to you to be your partner in addressing your travel and expense needs with our products, services and expertise. I want to personally update you on the actions we have taken to ensure that you can continue to rely upon SAP Concur during this challenging time. We have taken a series of steps to make certain that we meet our obligation to keep our people safe and to carry on the level of excellence that you expect from us.
As part of our standard business continuity process, we developed plans for disruptive situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic that are designed to protect the health and safety of our employees and to minimize the impact on our customers. In this case, those plans include:
Service accessibility. Our products and services continue to be available uninterrupted by the coronavirus pandemic.
Customer Support. The vast majority of our employees are now working remotely however they remain connected to their colleagues, customers and partners. We have been rapidly enabling our entire Global Services and Support teams to work from home in order to maintain the service levels you depend upon. All of our support channels are fully operational within normal SLAs. While we did temporarily suspend the incoming English phone line support channel, service was restored this morning, Thursday, March 19th.
Enhanced safety procedures at our offices. For business-critical roles that require a presence in the office, we have put in place restrictions to limit the number of individuals in a given location and heightened personal and site hygiene protocols.
Restriction on non-essential travel. In accordance with SAP guidelines, all employee travel that is not business-critical has been suspended through the end of April. Our sales and new business teams continue to meet with prospects, customers and partners via telephone and online.
Cancellation or postponement of in-person internal and external events. We held a virtual SAP Concur Fusion earlier this month and had strong attendance and received very positive feedback from attendees. We will examine this format for future events if necessary.
SAP Concur remains committed to you in these difficult and uncertain times. We are dedicated to continuing to support your businesses with the goal of emerging from this situation with a stronger bond as your trusted partner. Crises tend to bring out the best in people and I firmly believe that collectively we will rise to the test of COVID-19. The events of the past few weeks and months emphasize to me the importance of honesty, trust and compassion in all relationships, business and personal. Our promise is to continue to bring those qualities to our interactions with you. You can expect to hear more from us as the situation evolves.
We value your business and welcome your feedback. If you have any questions, please contact your account representative or customer support.
Jim Lucier
President, SAP Concur