Two new integrations with SAP Concur solutions and American Express have recently been introduced to help automate invoice and expense processes The integrations give small businesses...
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Healthcare organizations are continually looking for ways to reduce cost ensure compliance and serve more patients while still maintaining the highest quality of care The challenge is...
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Control Company Costs
Cash used to run the show Its how business happened It was as they say what made the world go round But times were simpler then and wait times are simpler now Weve got corporate...
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When you look around a university campus its easy to forget that its a business like any other Like most forprofit organizations success in the business of higher education relies on a...
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Concur TripLink was the first solution of its kind to extend the benefits of a managed travel program to direct supplier bookings by giving companies visibility into their employees...
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No matter the economic climate invoice management is a key business function But given the current uncertainty about what lies ahead it is critical that you continue to buy the...
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Business Continuity
If you can see your spend, you can control it. And if you can control it, you can adapt more quickly to both challenges and opportunities.
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When you talk about tightening up the budget and reining in costs the conversation doesnt usually end with smiling employees For the most part trimming spend doesnt improve anything...
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During times of unprecedented uncertainty small and midsize companies tend to feel the effects of it harder in part because they have less cash on hand to weather disruption When...
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As youre working to get business moving again what youve always done may not be whats best Even when it was business as usual were you completely confident in your ability to Maybe...
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