Travel and Expense
Nowadays, our new travel normal comes with a lot of extra checks. So, we’ve created a new air travel checklist to help you stay organized.
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Control Company Costs
Combining the process of Accounts Payable AP with the tools of Financial Technology FinTech is an essential element for successful spend management Best in class companies have leaned...
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Employee Experience
The world is looking toward the postpandemic horizon Hope for the future is strong but the impacts of the COVID pandemic will reverberate for years to come This is as true for your...
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Business Continuity
Organizations that dont prioritize innovation tend to get left behind But how do organizations determine when where or how to innovate While assessing employee sentiment is a great...
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Business Continuity
County finance managers and elected officials do their best to oversee programs that serve their citizens While recent government funding sources have provided muchneeded relief they...
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Growth and Optimization
Business transformation starts at the top But it cannot be achieved by mandate alone To create lasting change that shapes future success executives must act as the example embodying...
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Control Company Costs
So much has changed in the past couple of years and nearly every shift has impacted organizational budgets in some form Rather than making deep cuts with percentagebased reductions...
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Company News
Today in Orlando at SAP Concur Fusion we recognized our SAP Concur Innovation Award winners These SAP Concur customers exemplify innovation and use our solutions to help them...
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Control Company Costs
We are living in the midst of a work revolution What was once a gradual shift toward hybrid work hit seismic proportions over the past two years Working faster and smarter are no...
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Growth and Optimization
If small and midsize business have learned anything over the past two years it is that agility is critical to staying flexible in the face of change Whether your organization is just...
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