Growth and Optimization
Becoming a bestrun business requires strategic thinking and bold steps into a largely interconnected digital future Because these steps often require the adoption and development of...
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Control Company Costs
Your future business resilience and agility relies on your actions today. Take the first step toward digitizing your expense, travel, and invoice management.
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Travel and Expense
When Logoplaste implemented a new SAP Concur travel and expense TE solution across countries with the help of Accenture it achieved a user rating of out of within just a few weeks...
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Control Company Costs
Open your fridge or bathroom cabinet in Europe or North America and chances are one of the bottles inside was designed and made by Logoplaste The plastic packaging company supplies the...
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Control Company Costs
What does a hybrid workforce look like in higher education With the fall start and for some institutions a return to campus fast approaching many colleges and universities will be...
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From building the right reporting to creating awareness to guiding behavior and making direct contributions theres a lot that organizations can do right now to increase their...
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Control Company Costs
You might be using an ERP to manage your various financial processes today but is it giving you everything you want or needparticularly when it comes to managing vendor invoices...
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As we look for ways to increase corporate sustainability it can be difficult to know where to start Understanding key terms as well as what to measure empowers organizations to set...
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Company News
The past months have had a profound impact on individuals and businesses alike Meetings and events are no exception as organizers first scrambled to pivot physical events to a digital...
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Growth and Optimization
Business agility depends on staying on top of spend As recent history has shown change is both constant and can happen in an instant Keeping a close eye on costs and improving your...
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