As one of Japans largest IT and network solution and service providers and the fourthlargest PC manufacturer in the world NEC Corporation knows firsthand the importance of simple...
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Employee Experience
Digital natives Millennials and Gen Zers who grew up with the internet make up of the workforce a percentage that is projected to rise to during the next years according to a CNBC...
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Travel and Expense
Tripkicks an SAP Concur App Center Partner shares industry insights from the ProcureCon Travel Conference Your travel policy says a lot about your corporate...
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There are more than one million people in the air right now More than  of them are traveling for business And odds are you have no reliable way of knowing how many of them are...
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Its easy to view corporate travel as just a cost of doing business But it plays a vital function for every business Depending on your industry its what keeps your company moving the...
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Business Continuity
The digital economy requires global companies to respond faster collaborate more and overall be more efficient But as your business expands into new international markets your...
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There are a number of shifts economically politically socially happening in the world today that make crossborder business travel more complicated than ever While businesses are...
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Travel and Expense
Personal connections are critical especially in the digital age Whether youre brainstorming the next big move or meeting facetoface with customers business travel is high on the...
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Cloud technologies are bringing worldclass software solutions to small and midsize companies around the world and they are paving the way for greater efficiency visibility and...
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As innovation and technology continue to disrupt nearly every aspect of an organization the Global Business Travel Association GBTA and SAP Concur have partnered to explore the impact...
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