Company News
As a part of our corporate social responsibility CSR activities our team in Japan recently participated in Mirairo Incs Bremen Survey Team which is an event for utilizing Bmaps a...
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Duty of Care
From common weather events to local governmental policies and regulations to potential conflict zones travel risk management is an extremely complicated task That means its important...
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Travel and Expense
Have you ever been on a work trip and wished you had more time to explore the citys museums or take a hike in the nearby mountains Unfortunately for many of us the only sightseeing we...
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For the past years Unisys has grown to build highperformance securitycentric solutions for business and governments across the globe So when Unisys needed innovative flexible and...
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The integration of organizational purchasing cards pcards has freed organizations in all industries from the pains of filling out paperbased purchasing orders Long gone are the days of...
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Have you ever arrived at a meeting minutes early and wanted to use that valuable time to do some muchneeded admin You could be paying supplier invoices submitting or approving...
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The employees at NuVasive work hard across the globe to develop minimally invasive procedurallyintegrated spine solutions For more than ten years NuVasive has worked with SAP Concur...
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Duty of Care
In this fourpart blog series weve acknowledged the fact that female business travelers face greater risks while on the road compared to men Examples include assault sexual harassment...
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Growth and Optimization
Its no secret that technology advancements have and will continue to change the way we do business Today organizations of all sizes must embrace how technology can enable growth and...
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When it comes to automating the travel and spend management process its likely your business has already stepped up to the digital plate But automation alone doesnt always translate...
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