When an organization operates on taxpayer funds you know how important it is do more with less While making the most of what your agency currently has may appear fiscally responsible...
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A global pandemic Stayathome orders An unprecedented quarantine in which work school and life itself were confined within the walls of ones own home For most companies COVID was a...
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State and local agencies are in a tough spot when it comes to managing spending With a need to make taxpayer dollars go as far as possible and a belief that existing systems are good...
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Does your monthend start long before the last working day of the month and typically spill into the start of the next Is it a stressful inefficient exercise that doesnt really deliver...
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How can those in finance travel auditing compliance HR and shared services contribute to their organizations plan to help employees return to work or travel Return to Work Return to...
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Two new integrations with SAP Concur solutions and American Express have recently been introduced to help automate invoice and expense processes The integrations give small businesses...
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Healthcare organizations are continually looking for ways to reduce cost ensure compliance and serve more patients while still maintaining the highest quality of care The challenge is...
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Control Company Costs
Cash used to run the show Its how business happened It was as they say what made the world go round But times were simpler then and wait times are simpler now Weve got corporate...
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When you look around a university campus its easy to forget that its a business like any other Like most forprofit organizations success in the business of higher education relies on a...
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Concur TripLink was the first solution of its kind to extend the benefits of a managed travel program to direct supplier bookings by giving companies visibility into their employees...
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