Control Company Costs
Running a successful business has always been about keeping pace with change and these days change is faster and more drastic than ever The past two years have radically transformed...
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Company News
With the annual SAP Concur Innovation Awards we recognize customers reinventing how they manage spend and embracing innovative business practices Winners are celebrated at Fusion in...
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Control Company Costs
Innovation is often the sum of many parts that occurs after years of measured improvement and thoughtful collaboration Since Penn State University has been at the forefront of expense...
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Control Company Costs
We are really good at doing the things of IT but we were really bad at doing the business of IT shared Bennett Ulmer Operations Analyst and Manager of Analysis and Audit for Penn State...
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Growth and Optimization
Transferring data across multiple systems can be costly taking time and resources away from your organization So were here to say fuhgeddaboudit SAP Concur integrations allow you to...
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Travel and Expense
As employees abandoned airports for spare bedroom workstations during the pandemic one silver lining was the sheer amount of money that organizations saved by slashing corporate travel...
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Company News
BELLEVUE Wash and PROVO Utah Oct SAP SE NYSE SAP and Qualtrics Nasdaq XM today announced the availability of Concur Experience Optimizer a new solution that allows companies to...
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Duty of Care
As colleges and universities work to relaunch and prioritize their travel and spend management programs disrupted by the COVID pandemic institutions have an obligation duty of care...
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Employee Experience
New normal for travel Putting people first The decision to travel for business today involves many competing demands from assessing whether to do business by Zoom instead of in person...
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Control Company Costs
We dont like the paper processes which we have we even hate approval workflow So please set up the system in an innovative way was the challenge a customer shared with the neylux team...
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