Taking Another Look: Work From Home Edition
Over a year into the pandemic, we are beginning to see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel, as we slowly emerge from the captivity of lock-down. Indeed, our futures may be different from the quarantine life we have been living, undoubtedly however, it will not be as it was prior to COVID-19.
As we begin to enter this new phase of life and work, many organizations are electing to revisit work models and employee benefits. Work-from-home arrangements may not become a thing of the past and may very well be the way of the future. COVID-19 caught much of the world ill-prepared to the risks and opportunities afforded both employees and employers through work from home schemes.
Are we any better prepared for the future of our businesses now as we look forward to closing the COVID chapter? Have we given enough thought to the implications of business expenses incurred by those employees that work from home?
Whether your business is a seasoned pro at remote working, or you implemented primarily to ensure continuity during the restrictions beginning in 2020, we believe that every organization can find value in revisiting work-from-home considerations and policies.
We invite you, and anyone interested in expense management considerations related to work from home policies, to explore more by downloading our white paper.