Growth and Optimization
Making Sure How You Spend Matches Your Business Growth Priorities
Every business wants to grow, but you might grow right into trouble if you don’t plan for how spending will change.
As your business grows or shifts, it’s likely spending will increase and decentralize, invoices proliferate, different markets develop, and workflows deviate across locations. But whether growth has already happened or is expected to occur, the risks expand along with your business.
Our new eBook helps answer a big, overarching question – Does Your Business Spending Match the Realities of Business? From invoices to tax requirements to policies, workflows, and analytics, we examine different scenarios your business may face as it expands or grows, as well as how SAP Concur solutions can help ease “growing pains“ through increased spend visibility, efficiency, consistency, and confidence.
Can our accounts payable team handle all those invoices?
Risks of error, fraud, and an exhausted AP team rise when the number of invoices grow. Intelligent automation bring scale to vendor invoice management processes, capturing invoices in emails and other channels, lowering the dangers and finance team workload.
Are we spending well as we spend more?
As budgets expand, more people are making spending decisions, making costs harder to corral. An automated expense process can make spending rules easier to understand and follow.
Is our express process ready for market expansion?
When you start doing business in new states, countries, or markets, you contend with new taxes and regulations. The right expense management solution can provide the right tools, expertise, and experience to adapt.
How can we make our expense process consistent across locations?
As a business evolves, complexity and work for employees increases. Consistency can falter, with different locations following different expense processes and policies. The right automated expense solution can bring both consistency and flexibility.
As our spending spreads out, how can we analyze it all?
Where once you could see all the dollars, it’s harder to get an accurate spending picture as your company grows and becomes more decentralized. With the right reports and dashboards, you can see where your spending is at and have the insights to make better decisions.
Read the eBook to learn how intelligent finance technology can help support different growth scenarios to ensure that, as your business grows and changes, you can keep up with the new realities of business spending.