Employee Experience
How SAP Concur Admins Can Engage End Users
We know you work hard to make your travel and expense program as effective as possible – so, you probably already know that engaged users are integral to program success. But what’s the best way to engage your employees?
Just like you work hard on running a successful program, your users are busy putting in 40+ hours toward their mission. This leaves little time – and frankly desire – for them to invest in their corporate travel and expense responsibilities. This reality means you need to be tactful when it comes to capturing their attention to drive adoption and engagement of the products at their disposal.
Luckily, we have these tips and resources that will help you educate and engage your users:
1. Get familiar with your SAP Concur solution
The first step in helping your users is being familiar with the tool yourself. Being knowledgeable about SAP Concur solutions and establishing yourself as a thought leader in your company will make it easier for you to help your users with any questions they might have. Fortunately, we have plenty of resources to help you become – and stay – an SAP Concur expert. Here are some ways you can get familiar with our solutions:
- Attend an in-person event: Attending SAP Concur Fusion is a great way to dive in and learn about the products you use (or could be using). Through keynotes, educational sessions, and live demos, you can learn how to make the most of your particular product suite. You’ll also be able to network with other admins and learn more about how they’re driving adoption and engaging their users.
- Sign up for our product newsletter: You can also keep updated on SAP Concur products by visiting the What’s New in Product section of the SAP Concur Community.
2. Leverage our product trainings
Are you familiar with all the resources available for you and your users on SAP Concur Training? If you’re not, here are some ways to get started:
- Access admin toolkits: These host content such as e-mail templates, signage, and FAQs. This content makes it simple for you drive awareness and adoption of the products available to your users. Get started with our Adoption Strategy Guides, which can be found on the admin toolkits. These guides will explain in detail how to use the content we’ve created to help you realize success.
- Direct users to resource pages: Linked on the admin training pages, this will house content specifically for your users – guides, FAQs, tips sheets, videos, etc. You can always direct users to these pages to find more detail on how to get started with the tools your company has purchased.
3. Use our admin messaging guides
Admins can also benefit from making their own content to compliment the content mentioned above. By creating your own content, you have the flexibility to include the details of your organization’s specific configuration and policies.
To help you get started creating your own content, we’ve provided admin messaging guides for select products. You can find these guides in the admin toolkits on concurtraining.com.
In these guides, you’ll find tried and true messaging that you can copy-and-paste into your own resources – customizing and adding detail when necessary.
4. Uncover employee sentiment
Get to know your users and what’s important to them. Concur Experience Optimizer helps you listen and understand the reasons behind your employees’ behavior, so you can better shape policies and how they impact employee sentiment. Develop and improve processes, adjust policies that lead to enhanced productivity, drive higher profitability, and lower employee turnover. For example, do your users:
- Care about speed and ease the most?
- The ability to get things done on the road?
- The added perks and traveling benefits?
Find out and draw your users in with the corresponding features. The SAP Concur mobile app also helps employees get things done, no matter where they are; TripIt Pro helps them stay on top of their travel itinerary – something they can take advantage of both on business and personal trips. And Drive helps users that are constantly on the road, expensing car mileage. Find it and promote it.
5. Rollout digital adoption software
For training to be effective, it needs to go beyond static videos and email that are easily forgotten and rarely provide context. Concur User Assistant by Walkme provides real-time, in-solution training to close the gap between learning and doing, so users can apply knowledge as they need it. Digital adoption software helps users get familiar with a new tool or process. It guides them through the steps and allows you to create customizable guidance that drives specific outcomes to your business, so you can:
- Make training faster, better, and more memorable
- Drive adoption and enforce policy compliance
- Streamline processes for increased productivity
- Increase end-user experience and efficiency
6. Use in-product messaging
In-product messaging is a free service we provide to help educate and engage your users on the specific products available to them. Best part? It requires zero effort from you.
We run targeted campaigns – based on your specific configuration. By thoughtfully delivering relevant messages straight in the product, we’re able to help your users realize the full potential of the SAP Concur tools purchased for them.
You can learn more about this tool by visiting the In-Product Messaging Admin Toolkit.
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