The Better the Travel Experience, the Better your Compliance
People – and this includes employees – tend to do what they wish. We resist rules; we make up our own. And when told that something is mandatory, we often look for a way around it. An easier way. It’s human nature.
So when it comes to things like business travel and its associated expenses, it can be very hard to make sure employees stay in compliance with corporate policy, or the many local and global regulations and requirements your company faces. But, if you give them something they want – say, a travel and expense-reporting tool that’s virtually effortless or a way to use the apps they already love – they’ll not only be happier and more satisfied, they’ll give you what you want (the data you need to stay on top of spending) without even realizing it.
Offer the right tools, and you’ll get the right behaviors
Nobody likes your expense-reporting process. There. We said it. And we only say this because often it’s not intuitive, it’s not as mobile as it should be, and it takes more time to use than it’s worth.
Okay, maybe it isn’t that bad, but odds are, you recognized some grumblings of truth in the above statement. So why not improve the expense-reporting and travel-booking experience with a tool that works with what they’re already using? Why not let them manage their travel the way they want and capture all of that spend? Why not upgrade the overall experience for your employees as they take your organization around the world?
Deliver an intuitive, mobile-first employee experience that erases frustration and creates the kind of modern workplace where people want to be.
And how do you do that? Make life easier:
- Offer travelers mobile apps that manage all their travel and expenses in one, easy place.
- Help them track fares and points and find the best seats on flights.
- Eliminate every possible piece of paper from the T&E process – integrating air/hotel/car-rental receipts and accepting smartphone pics of other receipts.
- Give them expense reports that write themselves – automatically creating, itemizing, and categorizing their charges, so they don’t waste time (and make mistakes) entering it manually.
- Connect to their favorite brands, like Uber and Airbnb, so they can use the apps they love – and the receipts flow straight into their expense reports.
You’ll see all your spending, and happier employees
When employees get to use the travel and expense tools they want and like, they’ll use them. They’ll be following the policies you need them to follow – happily doing what they’re supposed to do – and you’ll get visibility into their spending.
Give them a better experience and they’ll not only give you their best, they’ll give you the compliance that keeps spending under control.
What kind of travel experience do employees expect? Download this infographic to find out.