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If your company is facing issues with expense travel and invoice management youre not alone A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of SAP Concur found that ...
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With so many employees behind the wheel driving to meet with clients and commuting between offices selfreported mileage and personal vehicle expenses are one of the last expense...
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Travel and expense fraud isnt a finance problem Its a human problem When employees book their own travel and then report their expenses it can be easy to accidentally or purposely fall...
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No one goes to work excited to file a claim for travel expenses Nobody was ever hired because theyre a superstar at entering receipts And no major business trip was made better because...
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Emerging technologies like artificial intelligence AI are revolutionizing global business travel and expense management These technologies are being used by companies around the world...
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Spend on travel and expense is often one of the largest for organizations typically falling second behind payroll according to Jupiter Research Lowlevel spend also referred to as tail...
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Jenn McColly was formerly Vice President of Employee Experience at SAP Concur Our annual global distribution kickoff event Ignite was all about impact and everyday heroes this...
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This wont come as a surprise to anyone but effectively controlling spending is key to boosting performance and efficiency The surprise perhaps is how CFOs are doing it Or maybe we...
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Whats the usual reaction in your business to the announcement about a new system being rolled out Excitement about the difference it will make to your efficiency and productivity Or a...
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In the last ten to fifteen years the pace of technological change has intensified exponentially and it shows no signs of stopping From smartphones to the app economy new booking...
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